November 9th, 10th & *12th
Monday Night Social

Cooking with NASUCA…. Seafood Paella
Instructions, Recipe and Shopping List
Wine School with Special Guest Bill Jensen
Musical Guest: DC’s own-Ricardo Marlow-Flamenco Guitarist
Resolutions Passed:
2020-02 Energy Storage Resolution (11-12-20)
2020-03 NASUCA NTSB-Gas Resolution (11-12-20)
Speaker Bios and Headshots
Attendee List 11-10-2020
Meeting Presentations:
Customer Views on Improving RTO Governance and Function
Bryn Baker Slides
Greg Poulos Slides
Accounting Committee: Is Securitization the Answer? Maybe…But Only if We Do It Right
Senator Chris Hansen Slides
Joe Fichera Slides
Telecom Committee: Is Broadband the New Public Utility? The Role of State Regulators and Consumer Advocates in Achieving Affordable, ubiquitous Broadband in The New World Order
Trevor Roycroft, Ph.D. Slides
Electric Utilities and Rural Broadband Deployment: A Case Study
Brad Hall Slides
Rob Thormeyer Slides
Lifeline Program Update
Tiffany Brady and Leah Sorini
Covid-19 Impacts on Market Load
Paul F. McGlynn Slides
Natural Gas Committee: Assessment of Local Natural Gas Distribution System Safety: The Merrimack Valley Incident
Joseph Rogers Slides
William Akley Slides
Ashley Gagnon Slides
Additional Resources:
NTSB Accident Report
Dynamic Risk Phase II
Plea Agreement
DER Committee: Regulatory Considerations and Barriers to Distributed Energy Resource Integration
Patrick Balducci Slides
Water Committee: Further Examination of Options in Addressing Distressed Water & Wastewater Systems
Bill Teichmiller Slides
Jason Hewitt Slides
Brittany Koenig Slides
Update on the Renovate Project
Janet Gail Besser Slides
Current State of Electric Transportation
Nick Nigro Slides
Interested in Becoming a Sponsor?
Sponsorship Information and Registration
*First Draft, All times and Panels Subject To Change
*Registrants Will Receive a Final Agenda with Zoom Links Before the Meeting
*There are no panels on November 11th, it is Veterans Day
*November 12th is a closed business session for NASUCA Members Only
Platinum Sponsors
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsors