The 2017 Annual Meeting is being held at the Hilton Baltimore. There is no room block available for this meeting and we suggest making hotel reservations as early as possible. There are several nearby hotels that are within walking distance of the Hilton, including the Hampton Inn Baltimore-Downtown, Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor and the Holiday Inn Baltimore Inner Harbor
Final Meeting Agenda
Meeting Attendee List
Speaker Biographies
Meeting Photo Album-Feel free download and edit any pictures
Passed Resolutions
2017-08-Urging Congress to not restrict the right of state regulators to determine how reductions in the corporate income tax rated or other tax changes are addressed in utility rates
November 12, 2017
2017-09 Urging Federal officials to recognize state and local authority to manage telecommunication policy attachments to ensure safe, efficient and equitable practices
November 12, 2017
Meeting Presentations
Monday, November 13th
Critical Needs Pilot Program (CNPP): A Utility-Agency Partnership to Assist Medically Vulnerable Customers
Paula Carmody
Cynthia Riely
David Conn
The Affordability of Essential Utility Services: How to Meet the Challenge
Roger Colton
Martin Insogna
In Search of a Common Numerator: Measuring Service Shutoffs Across the Country
Dr. Gabriela Sandoval
Utilities Against Scams (UUAS)
Sheri Givens
Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC)
Sara Baldwin Auck
The Rise of Residential Advanced DER/Storage Rates
Lon Huber
Tuesday, November 14th
Breakfast Ethics
Linda Randell
The costs and benefits of real-time pricing: An empirical investigation into consumer bills using hourly energy data and hourly prices
Jeff Zethmayr
Analyzing the Role of Natural Gas in Future Energy Markets
Jeff Zethmayr
Scott Carter
20 Years of RTO Meetings and We’re Still Not Done?
Christina Simeone
Bill Malcolm
John Hughes
Regulatory Accounting Issues for Replacing Lead Water Pipes
Jim Jenkins
Geoff Marke
Why Consumer Advocates Should Care About Pole Attachments
Tim Schneider
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