The deadline for new residential and non-residential customers to enroll in the public utilities’ COVID-19 payment plans is 11/1/20.

CT continues to explore providing further shut-off protections.  As of this writing, shut off protections for C&I customers have expired, whereas PURA has extended the shut off moratorium for hardship residential customers through the end of the winter moratorium (May 1, 2021).  Regarding non-hardship residential customers and small business customers, on 9/30/20, Eversource Energy, Yankee Gas Services Company d/b/a Eversource Energy and Aquarion Water Company of Connecticut filed a motion to extend shut-off protections for those classes through February 9, 2021, the current end of Connecticut’s states of civil preparedness and public health emergency in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. That motion remains pending, but PURA has ruled that the companies may voluntarily extend the deadlines until issues a ruling.

PURA Motion- Cello Partnership D/B/A Verizon Wireless Motion to take Administrative Notice-Fairfield CT SC5



Governor. Lamont Executive Orders

PURA filtered out the Governor Orders related to utilities on their site