Smart Electric Power Alliance
Managed Charging Programs: Maximizing Grid Value and Customer Benefits – This report provides a review of participation levels in TE programs globally and offers guidance on how utilities can increase participation and ensure customer value.
Customer Centric Approach to V2X – This short brief summarizes various stakeholder groups perspective on V2X and offers guidance to the industry to create a positive customer experience and encourage customer adoption
The State of Managed Charging in 2021 – Offers a summary of the state of managed charging programs in the US and highlights good practices and recommendations.
Transportation Electrification Strategic Planning Framework – Exec Summary only, if they have interest in the full report have them reach out. It is available only to SEPA members and they would need a login to access it for free.
Grid Strategies: Serving Customers Best – the Benefits of Competitive Electric Vehicle Charing Stations
NARUC EV Page – lots of publication and webinar videos on all things EV – great learning resource
NASEO – Transportation Page – more EV resources