2018-01 NASUCA Affordable Lifeline Support Resolution
2018-01 NASUCA Affordable Lifeline Support Resolution
2018-01 NASUCA Affordable Lifeline Support Resolution
2017-09 Urging Federal officials to recognize state and local authority to manage telecommunication pole attachments to ensure safe, efficient and equitable practices
2017-08 Urging Congress to not restrict the right of state regulators to determine how reductions in the corporate income tax rate or other tax changes are addressed in utility rates
2017-07 NASUCA Energy Star Resolution
2017-06 NASUCA Intrastate Inmate Calling Services Resolution
2017-05 NASUCA Lifeline Broadband Resolution
2017-04 NASUCA Broadband Resolution
2017-03 NASUCA Net Metering-Updating 1998 Resolution
2017-02 NASUCA PACE Resolution
2017-01 NASUCA LIHEAP-WAP Resolution