
Retail Disclosure Requirements – 1997-09

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE UTILITY CONSUMER ADVOCATES RESOLUTION Resolution in Support of Minimum Disclosure Requirements Where the Retail Marketing of Electricity is Adopted WHEREAS, consumers in several states are beginning to choose among competing electricity providers and retail access to [...]

November 12th, 1997|Categories: Electric|

Slamming – 1997-08

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE UTILITY CONSUMER ADVOCATES RESOLUTION Urging that Congress and the FCC Protect Consumers from the Fraudulent Transfer of Their Long Distance Service Provider WHEREAS, the telecommunications industry has moved toward competition in the long distance market, and [...]

November 11th, 1997|Categories: Telecommunications|

Consumer Right to be Represented – 1997-07

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE UTILITY CONSUMER ADVOCATES RESOLUTION Supporting the Fundamental Rights Of Consumers To Be Represented By NASUCA Members In All State And Federal Forums In Matters Relating To Utility Restructuring And Competition WHEREAS, one of the essential purposes [...]

July 14th, 1997|Categories: Miscellaneous|

Numbering – 1997-05

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE UTILITY CONSUMER ADVOCATES RESOLUTION Supporting Reform of the Current Telecommunications Numbering System In Order To Conserve Numbering Resources, Consider Consumer Input and Reduce Customer Inconvenience, Confusion and Expense Related to Frequent Area Code Relief Requirements WHEREAS, [...]

June 11th, 1997|Categories: Telecommunications|

Section 271 1997-04

RESOLUTION Calling Upon State and Federal Regulators To Require Strict Proof That The Local Telecommunications Market Is Open To Competition Before Granting A Bell Operating Company's Request To Provide In-Region InterLATA Service WHEREAS, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (Act) has [...]

June 11th, 1997|Categories: Telecommunications|

Renewable’s – 1997-02

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE UTILITY CONSUMER ADVOCATES RESOLUTION Urging That Any Congressional Legislation Requiring A Renewables Portfolio Standard Apply To New Renewable Energy Resources, And Not Reward Owners of Existing Renewable Resources WHEREAS, Several bills have been introduced in the [...]

June 11th, 1997|Categories: Electric|

Universal Service – 1997-03

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE UTILITY CONSUMER ADVOCATES RESOLUTION Urging the Adoption of Universal Service Protections That Include Programs for Assisting in the Affordability of Electric Service, as Part of Any Electric Restructuring Legislation or Regulations WHEREAS, universal electric service is [...]

June 11th, 1997|Categories: Electric|

Restructuring – 1997-06

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE UTILITY CONSUMER ADVOCATES RESOLUTION Urging the Adoption of Standards to Protect Consumers as Part of Any Electric Restructuring Legislation or Regulations WHEREAS, reliable and affordable electric service is a basic necessity of modern life; WHEREAS state [...]

June 11th, 1997|Categories: Electric|

Gas Research Institute – 1997-01

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE UTILITY CONSUMER ADVOCATES R E S O L U T I O N Urging the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission To Reject Any Proposed Funding Proposal For The Gas Research Institute Which Do Not Equitably Spread GRI's [...]

May 14th, 1997|Categories: Gas|

Payphone – 1996-10

NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF STATE UTILITY CONSUMER ADVOCATES RESOLUTION Opposing FCC Preemption of Local Payphone Coin Rate WHEREAS, on February 8, 1996, the Telecommunications Act of 1996 (Act) was signed into law; WHEREAS, Section 276 of the Act has the goals [...]

November 20th, 1996|Categories: Telecommunications|
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